Don Vine . com: Blog en-us (C)Donald L Vine [email protected] (Don Vine . com) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:15:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:15:00 GMT Don Vine . com: Blog 120 120 Chives and Other Stuff_170316_1036-XSEYQ Chives and Other Stuff_170316_1036-XSEYQChives and Other Stuff_170316_1036-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

Sliced green onions are not chives. Green onions (aka scallions) like those above are sliced and diced and used in recipes. Chives are smaller, have small, purple and edible flowers, and are generally a bit more flavorful.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) green onions scallions Sat, 18 Mar 2017 18:17:47 GMT
Just Add Pepper_170310_20-HXSEYQ Just Add Pepper_170310_20-HXSEYQJust Add Pepper_170310_20-HXSEYQWichita - Kansas

Getting close to familiar items sometimes makes them less recognizable.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Macro Sat, 18 Mar 2017 17:08:45 GMT
Scalina Spagna_021214_06_4354-HXSEYA Scalina Spagna_021214_06_4354-HXSEYAScalina Spagna_021214_06_4354-HXSEYARome - Italy

The Spanish Steps were built in Rome by the French in 1723 and over time became a gathering place for citizens and tourists of all classes and backgrounds.

Rome - Italy

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sat, 18 Mar 2017 06:13:42 GMT
Calamari with Dipping Sauce_170316_1036_01-XSEYQ Calamari with Dipping Sauce_170316_1036_01-XSEYQCalamari with Dipping Sauce_170316_1036_01-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

With ocean warming and the loss of traditional fish, squid which is happer with warmer waters may move from the appetizer tray into the main course.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 17 Mar 2017 20:15:17 GMT
Galaxy of Petals_170310_1149-HXSEYQ Galaxy of Petals_170310_1149-HXSEYQGalaxy of Petals_170310_1149-HXSEYQWichita - Kansas

I saw this at a grocery store but have no idea what kind of flower it is. Captured with a iPhone, processing included Topaz Labs Impression.


Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 17 Mar 2017 19:48:00 GMT
Grocer's Bouquet_170315-XSEYQ Grocer's Bouquet_170315-XSEYQGrocer's Bouquet_170315-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

A trip to the market can include flowers as well as food. If you have an iPhone in your packet, you don’t even need to put the flowers into water when you get home. Just share them in messages or print and stick them on the fridge.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flowers Daisies Grocery Store Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:48:05 GMT
Serving Oats_170119_130301_02-HXSEYQ Serving Oats_170119_130301_02-HXSEYQServing Oats_170119_130301_02-HXSEYQWichita - Kansas


Oat based cereals are eaten by some to avoid the gluten that is present in wheat, barley and rye. For those who do not have conditions such as celiac disease that require avoiding gluten, recent evidence suggest that significant avoidance may increase the risk of diabetes.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Oat Gluten Wed, 15 Mar 2017 04:40:17 GMT
Black Rhino_151011_123543_67-HXSEQ Black Rhino_151011_123543_67-HXSEQBlack Rhino_151011_123543_67-HXSEQGoddard - Kansas

South Africa may legalize limited rhino horn trade. With the price of rhino horn powder exceeding $50,000/kg, allowing commercial trade is suggested to reduce the profits of poaching.

Goddard - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Black Rhinocerous poaching Tue, 14 Mar 2017 13:35:03 GMT
Lavender Orchid_170301_124826_06-HXSEYQ Lavender Orchid_170301_124826_06-HXSEYQLavender Orchid_170301_124826_06-HXSEYQWichita - Kansas

Grocery shopping now includes botanical treats. If you have a smartphone, you are less likely to be told not to take pictures inside the market.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Orchids Mon, 13 Mar 2017 18:56:25 GMT
Wild Lowry Turkey_120419_1325_334-XSQ Wild Lowry Turkey_120419_1325_334-XSQWild Lowry Turkey_120419_1325_334-XSQTampa - Florida

Wild turkeys were nearly wiped out by the mid to late 1930s when a combination of restoration efforts and a tax on hunting guns and ammunition gradually led to their recovery.

Tampa - Florida

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Wild Turkey Sun, 12 Mar 2017 05:59:50 GMT
One Polar Bear_120311_1640_180HXSEYQ One Polar Bear_120311_1640_180HXSEYQOne Polar Bear_120311_1640_180HXSEYQAlbuequerque - New Mexico

n the wild, polar bear DNA obtained from a bloody footprint was used to learn the bear had killed a seal and a sea gull had participated in the feasting.

Albuequerque - New Mexico

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Polar brear Sun, 12 Mar 2017 01:05:03 GMT
Florence Cathedral_021206_055603-XSEYQ Florence Cathedral_021206_055603-XSEYQFlorence Cathedral_021206_055603-XSEYQFlorence - Italy

The Cathedral in Florence Italy has withstood a number of earthquakes and concern remains about possible loss of this cultural artifact.

Florence - Italy

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Cathedral Sat, 11 Mar 2017 20:39:04 GMT
Rhino Wrinkles_160710_110101_370-PHXSYQ Rhino Wrinkles_160710_110101_370-PHXSYQRhino Wrinkles_160710_110101_370-PHXSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

Poaching for rhino horn, exceeding one thousand a year, is now occurring in zoos, as well as in the wild. The price for a single horn hovers around one million dollars. The are poached for non-proven medical use as well as for trophies.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Rhinocerous Fri, 10 Mar 2017 19:02:53 GMT
Bradford Blossoms_170309_163733_24-XSEYQ Bradford Blossoms_170309_163733_24-XSEYQBradford Blossoms_170309_163733_24-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

Bradford Pear trees are blossoming all over Wichita. Bradfords are decorative so there is nothing to eat, but they are like giant balls of white throughout town.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Trees Flowers Fri, 10 Mar 2017 06:23:25 GMT
Several Grapes and a Grape Tomato_170309_2-XSEYQ

An iPhone and the Camera+ App let you get impressive food macros from the camera you have in your pocket.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Macro Grapes Thu, 09 Mar 2017 18:11:20 GMT
Pale Sunflower_050616_161700-HXSYQ Pale Sunflower_050616_161700-HXSYQPale Sunflower_050616_161700-HXSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

The official Kansas state flower comes in many varieties

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Thu, 09 Mar 2017 06:16:51 GMT
Grizzly Bear_050917_000314-XSYQ Grizzly Bear_050917_000314-XSYQGrizzly Bear_050917_000314-XSYQOmaha - Nebraska

The grizzly may be saving the polar bear. Bears with a mixture of grizzly and polar DNA are believed to result from the loss of polar ice and habitat.

Omaha - Nebraska

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Grizzly bear Thu, 09 Mar 2017 04:25:00 GMT
Chicken Salad with Ranch_161202_202753_474-XSEYQ Chicken Salad with Ranch_161202_202753_474-XSEYQChicken Salad with Ranch_161202_202753_474-XSEYQNew Orleans - Louisiana

While dining in New Orleans we enjoyed some nice chicken salad.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Chicken Salad Wed, 08 Mar 2017 16:49:06 GMT
A Few Good Veggies_170227_121533_06-XSEYQ A Few Good Veggies_170227_121533_06-XSEYQA Few Good Veggies_170227_121533_06-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

Food macros with an iPhone
You can get close enough to what's on your plate to explore unexpected views.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) iPhone Food Macro Tue, 07 Mar 2017 18:51:44 GMT
Dodge City Feedlot_090315_069-XSYV Dodge City Feedlot_090315_069-XSYVDodge City Feedlot_090315_069-XSYVFord County - Kansas

Not far north of Dodge, you can smell this feedlot before you see it.

Ford County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Mon, 06 Mar 2017 03:39:04 GMT
Amur Leopard Amur Leopard Leopard County - Kansas

These rare and endangered cats live in forests at the junction of Russia with China.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Kansas Amur leopard Sun, 05 Mar 2017 19:03:13 GMT
Elephant Eye_050827_000043-XSYQ Elephant Eye_050827_000043-XSYQElephant Eye_050827_000043-XSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

With a trunk, big ears, and an unusually sensitive skin, the elephant's eyesight isn't much different from humans.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Elephant Eye Sun, 05 Mar 2017 18:54:24 GMT
Roasted Potatoes Onion and Tomatoes_170302_151700_04-XSEYQ Roasted Potatoes Onion and Tomatoes_170302_151700_04-XSEYQRoasted Potatoes Onion and Tomatoes_170302_151700_04-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

Food macro with an iPhone. Between calls, it is possible to explore the cracks and crevices of what you eat.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) iPhone Sat, 04 Mar 2017 16:46:56 GMT
Greenback_050616_160957-HXSYQ Greenback_050616_160957-HXSYQGreenback_050616_160957-HXSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

Sunflowers have backsides too.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:47:04 GMT
Blossoming Onion_050514_131305-HXSQ Blossoming Onion_050514_131305-HXSQBlossoming Onion_050514_131305-HXSQSedgwick County - Kansas

Members of the Allium genus of plants can be quite attractive.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:41:29 GMT
Warthog_050730_000098-XYSQ Warthog_050730_000098-XYSQWarthog_050730_000098-XYSQSedgwick County - Kansas

Common Warthogs are grazers that eat grasses, plants, roots and bulbs. They, in turn, are eaten by lions, leopards, crocodiles, wild dogs, hyenas, humans and large birds.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 03 Mar 2017 06:58:08 GMT
White Baboon_050820_000125-XSYQ White Baboon_050820_000125-XSYQWhite Baboon_050820_000125-XSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

Hamadryas baboons are Old World monkeys depicted as sacred  in ancient Egyptian art. They are preyed upon by hyenas and leopards and are poached as a source of bushmeat for humans. 

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Hamadryas baboon Fri, 03 Mar 2017 05:43:55 GMT
Helen's Flower_040731_103338-HXSQ Helen's Flower_040731_103338-HXSQHelen's Flower_040731_103338-HXSQSedgwick County - Kansas

Helenium, sometimes called Sneezeweed, are named after the daughter of Zeus, and are popular among home gardeners.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Thu, 02 Mar 2017 18:11:40 GMT
Two Cape Buffalo_050410_065258-XSYQ Two Cape Buffalo_050410_065258-XSYQTwo Cape Buffalo_050410_065258-XSYQShamwari Preserve - South Africa

Hundreds of thousands of African Buffalo exist and are natural prey primarily to lions and crocodiles as well as to man. But they can fight back, sometimes killing their predators

Shamwari Preserve - South Africa

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Thu, 02 Mar 2017 17:55:43 GMT
160729_121229_170-PHXSYQ_Looking for Bugs 160729_121229_170-PHXSYQ_Looking for Bugs160729_121229_170-PHXSYQ_Looking for BugsSan Antonio - Texas

Would one of these keep the bugs away?
Some folks are using lizards to eat household bugs. But beware that household cats may eat the lizards.

San Antonio - Texas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Wed, 01 Mar 2017 14:54:05 GMT
Berries and Banana_170219_112632_27-XSEYQ Berries and Banana_170219_112632_27-XSEYQBerries and Banana_170219_112632_27-XSEYQWichita - Kansas

Paint your breakfast.
Some say it's better to get your vitamins from the fruit than from the pills. This image was snatched with an iPhone then processed with Topaz Labs software.
Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Wed, 01 Mar 2017 14:41:39 GMT
Bee on Aster_050903_000071-XSYQ Bee on Aster_050903_000071-XSYQBee on Aster_050903_000071-XSYQWichita • Kansas

Asters are popular with bees.
Interestingly, the flavor of the eventual honey reflects the source of the pollen.

Wichita • Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Aster BeFlowerses Wed, 01 Mar 2017 04:16:53 GMT
Blue Peacock_050730_000193-XSYQ Blue Peacock_050730_000193-XSYQBlue Peacock_050730_000193-XSYQSedgwick County - Kansas

In spite of a tail about 5/6 of its length, the male Peacock can fly short distances.

Sedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Birds P CY2005 Wed, 01 Mar 2017 03:29:18 GMT
Disdain _050917_000065-XSYA Disdain _050917_000065-XSYADisdain _050917_000065-XSYAOmaha - Nebraska

The giraffes' susceptibility to lightening strikes was recently replaced by Facebook's concern with animal birthing "pornography" as the major news interest in the animals.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Giraffes Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:04:15 GMT
Two Lilies in a Glass_170223_122727_33-XSEYV Two Lilies in a Glass_170223_122727_33-XSEYVTwo Lilies in a Glass_170223_122727_33-XSEYVWichita - Kansas

What's growing at Sprouts?

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) lilies Tue, 28 Feb 2017 18:34:01 GMT
Mug Veggies with Meatloaf and Pasta_170226_182659_12-XSYQ Pick almost any handful of veggies you wish.
Add a little broth, butter and Italian herbs, then microwave for nine to ten minutes.


Mug Veggies with Meatloaf and Pasta_170226_182659_12-XSYQMug Veggies with Meatloaf and Pasta_170226_182659_12-XSYQWichita - Kansas


Wichita - Kansas


[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Microwave Mug Veggies Tue, 28 Feb 2017 18:21:34 GMT
Sedgwick County Tiger_161027_130635_01-XSBYQ Sedgwick County Tiger_161027_130635_01-XSBYQSedgwick County Tiger_161027_130635_01-XSBYQWichita - Kansas

Tigers appear to be doing a bit better. The Indian population, for instance is reported to be up by about six percent.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tigers Tue, 14 Feb 2017 07:00:17 GMT
Roasted Cabbage Onions and Carrots_161208_185537_09-HXSYQ Roasted Cabbage Onions and Carrots_161208_185537_09-HXSYQRoasted Cabbage Onions and Carrots_161208_185537_09-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

Besides being photographically colorful, with a little olive oil and garlic almost any selection of veggies can be roasted into a culinary treat.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tue, 14 Feb 2017 06:16:25 GMT
Four Daisies_1717121-XSEYV Four Daisies_1717121-XSEYVFour Daisies_1717121-XSEYVWichita - Kansas

An abstraction of daisies.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tue, 14 Feb 2017 05:26:50 GMT
Elephant feet_050820_000113-XSYQ Elephant feet_050820_000113-XSYQElephant feet_050820_000113-XSYQSedgwick County • Kansas

Adult elephants feet may be a yard and a half in circumference. They walk on their toes and African elephants have four nails on their front and three on their back feet.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tue, 14 Feb 2017 05:22:42 GMT
Mexican Omelette Sausage and Twice Baked_170209_184527_14-HXSEYA Mexican Omelette Sausage and Twice Baked_170209_184527_14-HXSEYAMexican Omelette Sausage and Twice Baked_170209_184527_14-HXSEYAWichita - Kansas

Had a potato to use and wondered how a twice-baked potato would go with a Mexican omelette and sausage.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tue, 14 Feb 2017 04:54:22 GMT
Fresh Tuna Salad Avocado and Veggies_170210_200924_13-HJXSEYQ Fresh Tuna Salad Avocado and Veggies_170210_200924_13-HJXSEYQFresh Tuna Salad Avocado and Veggies_170210_200924_13-HJXSEYQWichita - Kansas

Fresh tuna salad on avocado with roasted veggies.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Tuna salad Food Asparagus Brussels sprouts Tue, 14 Feb 2017 03:49:54 GMT
Browsing the Menu_050727_000133-HXSYV Browsing the Menu_050727_000133-HXSYVBrowsing the Menu_050727_000133-HXSYVSedgwick County - Kansas

The Sedgwick County Zoo us a rich treat for family outings.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 12 Feb 2017 22:40:17 GMT
Tiger Swallowtail on Dianthus_050502_165932-HXSYQ Tiger Swallowtail on Dianthus_050502_165932-HXSYQTiger Swallowtail on Dianthus_050502_165932-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

Butterflies are endangered, so enjoy them when you get close.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:26:31 GMT
Torre pendente di Pisa_021208_092123-HXSYV Torre pendente di Pisa_021208_092123-HXSYVTorre pendente di Pisa_021208_092123-HXSYVPisa - Italy

One of these days this may fall over, but for now it remains architecturally interesting.

Pisa - Italy

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:19:13 GMT
Christmas Carosello_021206_125052-XSYQ Christmas Carosello_021206_125052-XSYQChristmas Carosello_021206_125052-XSYQFlorence Italy

Holiday street-side color and music

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Christmas Carousel Florence Italy Sun, 12 Feb 2017 17:06:09 GMT
Ready for Second Bake_170209_173900_06-HXSEYQ Ready for Second Bake_170209_173900_06-HXSEYQReady for Second Bake_170209_173900_06-HXSEYQWichita - Kansas

So after the first bake, you mix the guts of the potato with sour cream and butter, refill the shell, then add some cheese, and bake again.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sat, 11 Feb 2017 17:24:54 GMT
Wood Stork Not Storking_160427_115847_65-HXSYQ Wood Stork Not Storking_160427_115847_65-HXSYQWood Stork Not Storking_160427_115847_65-HXSYQGatorland - Orlando

Gatorland in Orlando has a whole bunch of birds, too.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Thu, 09 Feb 2017 17:13:00 GMT
Daisybush Blossom_160222_095754_38-HXSYA Daisybush Blossom_160222_095754_38-HXSYADaisybush Blossom_160222_095754_38-HXSYAWichita - Kansas

Osteospermum, also called Cape Daisy. This one found growing in Wichita, Kansas


[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Wed, 08 Feb 2017 18:02:24 GMT
Colander of Grapes_170127_182151_01-HXSYQ Colander of Grapes_170127_182151_01-HXSYQColander of Grapes_170127_182151_01-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

Common red grapes are great for salads and snacking and less often are roasted to go with meats and vegetables.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Mon, 30 Jan 2017 06:17:18 GMT
Entranced_160101_111539_66-XSYA Entranced_160101_111539_66-XSYAEntranced_160101_111539_66-XSYAWichita - Kansas

Pretty powerful stuff... that TV

Wichita - Kansas


[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 29 Jan 2017 22:52:38 GMT
Roasted Salmon Grapes and Fennel_170128_192908_13-HXSYA Roasted Salmon Grapes and Fennel_170128_192908_13-HXSYARoasted Salmon Grapes and Fennel_170128_192908_13-HXSYAWichita - Kansas

Dump a mixture of fennel, onion, and grapes into a baking pan then roast in your toaster oven. Add the salmon and roast some more.

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 29 Jan 2017 17:02:37 GMT
Creamy Italian Dressing_170128_090353_43-HXSYV Creamy Italian Dressing_170128_090353_43-HXSYVCreamy Italian Dressing_170128_090353_43-HXSYVWichita - Kansas

Basic Mayonnaise plus some sour cream and Italian herbs.

The mayonnaise consists of powdered egg and mustard, lemon juice and olive oil. Trick is to use immersion blender and a container about the diameter of the blender.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 29 Jan 2017 14:12:27 GMT
Venison Sausage with Balsamic Grapes_170127_195605_08-HXSYQ Venison Sausage with Balsamic Grapes_170127_195605_08-HXSYQVenison Sausage with Balsamic Grapes_170127_195605_08-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

Adapted from recipe for sweet Italian sausages, easy to prpare and quite tqasty. 

Wichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 29 Jan 2017 13:47:56 GMT
Twice Baked Sweet Potato with Dover Sole_170120_193922_38-HXSYQ Twice Baked Sweet Potato with Dover Sole_170120_193922_38-HXSYQTwice Baked Sweet Potato with Dover Sole_170120_193922_38-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

I'm no big fan of sweet potatoes, but twice baked and the refill mixed with sautéed onions and sour cream, much better.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fri, 27 Jan 2017 14:13:28 GMT
Extreem Egret Sports Riding the back of an alligator seems hazardous. But for this bird, the practice appears reasonably safe. 

160427_121417_347-HXSYQ_Gatorboarding160427_121417_347-HXSYQ_GatorboardingGatorland - Orlando

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Alligator Egret Florida Gatorland Orlando Thu, 29 Sep 2016 16:28:13 GMT
White Alligator This guy is not albino, his skin color is from a genetic condition called leucism. There are apparently 12 of these anywhere in the world. This one lives in Orlando, Florida.


160427_120947_411-HXSYQ_One Happy Clamper160427_120947_411-HXSYQ_One Happy ClamperGatorland - Orlando

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) White Alligator alligator Thu, 29 Sep 2016 15:58:53 GMT
Looking at a Peacock It is redundant to say male peacock but not to say male peafowl. The male has the famous fan but it is interesting to look at a peacock from other angles too.

160427_123121_127-HXSYA_Beside Color160427_123121_127-HXSYA_Beside ColorGatorland - Orlando


160427_123148_64-2-XSYQ2_Peacock Color #2160427_123148_64-2-XSYQ2_Peacock Color #2Gatorland - Orlando

160427_123210_356_HDR_Behind Color160427_123210_356_HDR_Behind ColorGatorland - Orlando


[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Animals Birds Peacocks Mon, 19 Sep 2016 15:13:57 GMT
Fish on Ice These guys were at the market patiently waiting to be taken home and eaten. They say the best camera is the one you have with you when a picture occurs. This was shot with an iPhone 6 then blown up and repainted with Topaz Labs and Corel Software. The new 12 MPx iPhone 7 camera will provide images large enough that many won't need any other camera.


160911_161205_02__2-PHXSYV_Fish Eyes160911_161205_02__2-PHXSYV_Fish EyesWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) animals fish food Mon, 12 Sep 2016 14:17:25 GMT
Butterfly Zoos Looking for butterflies? Check out your zoo. Many have added butterfly houses to confine the colorful insects so you can view and photograph them. A collection of locations is listed on the Entomological Society of America web site. The butterflies here were flying at the San Antonio Zoo. The bugs were shot with a Sony DSC RX10M3. The painterly look was created largely using Topaz Lab software.

160729_114950_29-PHXSYA_Zebra Longwing160729_114950_29-PHXSYA_Zebra LongwingSan Antonio - Texas , Tx, TxSan Antonio - Texas 160729_114915_209-PHXSYV_Texas Longwing160729_114915_209-PHXSYV_Texas LongwingSan Antonio - Texas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Butterflies San Antonio Texas Zoo Sat, 10 Sep 2016 19:34:56 GMT
Tulips and maniacal pricing In the 1630's tulips became so popular in the Netherlands that single bulbs could fetch the florin equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars. That bubble burst after a few years but tulips remain one of the most popular flowers. The tulip images here were found growing at the Bartlett Arboretum in Belle Plaine Kansas and at the Botanical Garden in Wichita Kansas. All were give a painterly look using software from Topaz Labs and Akvis.

160412_113041_12-HXSYQ_Peony Tulip160412_113041_12-HXSYQ_Peony TulipWichita - Kansas


160410_145803_05-HXSGQ_Tulip Splashes160410_145803_05-HXSGQ_Tulip SplashesBartlette Arboretum - Kansas 160408_115205_13-HXSGQ_Springtime Tulip160408_115205_13-HXSGQ_Springtime TulipBartlette Arboretum - Kansas

160412_115618_154-HXSYEQ_One Tulip of Many160412_115618_154-HXSYEQ_One Tulip of ManyWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flowers Tulips Wed, 07 Sep 2016 15:11:27 GMT
After the Fourth The Wichita Veterans Administration Medical Center, named for Robert J. Dole, displays a large number of U. S. flags every Fourth of July. 

This particular flag highlights the administration building tower and typifies the Independence Day spirit. 

The picture was shot at 1/100 ,f 6.3, ISO 100, 70mm. Post-processing primarily using Topaz Labs Impression and Corel's Painter.

Our Flag_160704_113031_91-PHXSYQOur Flag_160704_113031_91-PHXSYQVA Medical Center - Wichita

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Fourth July Kansas Scenic U. S. flag Urban Wichita Thu, 07 Jul 2016 12:43:22 GMT
El Rodeo Mexican Restaurant We stopped at the El Rodeo in Wichita and sat by a window that provided light enough to photograph our food.

For these photos, I used an iPhone 5 then repainted them with Topaz Lab's Impression and Corel's Painter, among other software. 

The pictures were fun and the food tasty.

Table Appetizer

Chips and Salsa_160701_123915_13-HIXSYQChips and Salsa_160701_123915_13-HIXSYQWichita - Kansas


Flour Tortilla

Carnitas y Pico_160701_125743_21-PHIXSYQCarnitas y Pico_160701_125743_21-PHIXSYQWichita - Kansas


Spiced meat

Carnitas and Tortillia_160701_125640_11-PHIXSYQCarnitas and Tortillia_160701_125640_11-PHIXSYQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) El Rodeo Food Kansas Mexican food Wichita Mon, 04 Jul 2016 12:15:04 GMT
Flag and Flowers The blossoms here are less than a quarter-inch in size and the flag is about 2.5 inches high. The photo is iPhoned. The painted look was obtained using Topaz Lab and Painter softway. 


Independence Day_160629_122329_14-PHXSYQIndependence Day_160629_122329_14-PHXSYQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flag Flowers US Sat, 02 Jul 2016 15:54:15 GMT
Patriotic Mums If they can turn it Red White and Blue, then it's for sale at our local market.

These were shot with an iPhone 5, then "painted" using Topaz Lab's Impression and a Painter brush.


Memorial Mums_160629_122309_10-PIXSYQMemorial Mums_160629_122309_10-PIXSYQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flowers Sat, 02 Jul 2016 15:36:38 GMT
A taste of Spain in Wichita Shows why you do not leave your point-and-shoot at home when you dine out.

This was plated unlike any Paella I've previously eaten. Very tasty. Served at Taste and See inWichita Kansas.

Paella_160618_192013_25-PHXSGAPaella_160618_192013_25-PHXSGAWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Food Kansas Paella Wichita Sun, 26 Jun 2016 16:10:53 GMT
Wichita's First Passenger Train Station The Union Station serviced Wichita passenger traffic from 1872 to 1979.

Currently, the station has become part of downtown Wichita revitalization projects which include the introduction of restaurants, business offices, entertainment venues and possibly apartments.

Union Station_120513_171-PHXSGAUnion Station_120513_171-PHXSGAWichita - Kansas

The image was captured using a Canon 5D mkIII camera with 28mm lens and processed utilizing Topaz Labs and other software.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Train Station Union Station Wichita Kansas Mon, 20 Jun 2016 03:35:41 GMT
Douglas Runs Through It Wichita is the largest city in Kansas. 

If you are driving downtown, you will likely take Douglass Street which passes under the RR crossing then through downtown and across the bridge over the Arkansas River.

East on Douglas_120428_423-PHXSYAEast on Douglas_120428_423-PHXSYAWichita - Kansas

This image was taken on a Saturday during a brief lull in the traffic. Camera used was a Canon 5D MkIII with a 24-105mm lens. Post processing relied largely on Topaz Labs Software.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Douglas Street Kansas Scenic Travel Wichita Sun, 19 Jun 2016 21:16:02 GMT
Tigers grow bigger than Lions  

This magnificent beast was seen at the Miami Zoo.

The wild tiger population appears to be about 3,200 to 4,000 individuals divided into five or six sub-species. As their habitats are encroached upon, their chances of long term survival in the wild diminishes. 

Miami Tiger_080330_0124-PXSYAMiami Tiger_080330_0124-PXSYADade County - Florida

Then there is the problem of poaching. Tiger parts are popular in traditional Chinese medicine. The bones, for instance, are used in the preparation of wine that is openly sold in China to those who can afford it.

In spite of threats to their survival, tigers are not expected to become extinct.  In China, 5,000 tigers are estimated to exist on farms where they are raised for their body parts. In the United states many more than 5,000 are estimated to live in Zoos and in unaccredited "backyards" of private individuals.

Nevertheless, it appears the medicinal "value" and prestige of owning or using farmed tiger parts is less than that of wild tiger parts. For this reason many believe the availability of farmed animal parts incentivizes poaching rather than reducing it.



[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Florida Miami Zoo mammals tiger Sun, 19 Jun 2016 18:50:14 GMT
Shrimp cocktail at the Firefly Grill If you are driving through or visiting Effingham Illinois, and are hungry, then a stop at the Firefly Grill for lunch or dinner may be worthwhile. At least it has been for us. Surprising variety of culinary treats.


Bite or Two of Shrimp_160514_172920_14-PHXSYQBite or Two of Shrimp_160514_172920_14-PHXSYQEffingham - Illinois

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Cocktail Effingham Firefly Grill Food Illinois Restaurant Shrimp Tue, 14 Jun 2016 20:24:35 GMT
One ugly beast Albany Georgia has the Flint Riverquarium that features American alligators in a kind of giant fishtank. So close you can almost touch the creatures, which the scratches and kid's hand-smears on the viewport suggest that many tried to do.
Processed largely with Topaz Labs Clarity, Simplify, Impression Cezanne, and a little Glow.

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Albany Georgia Alligators Animals Flint Riverquarium Tue, 24 May 2016 13:40:42 GMT
You might think it should be green This slice of key lime pie was shot from across the table in a darkened restaurant. Resting the camera on the tabletop permitted capture at a low light level. Processing was largely with Topaz Labs Simplify and Impression. 


Key Lime Pie_160515_193356_48-HXSYQKey Lime Pie_160515_193356_48-HXSYQOverland Park - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Food Key lime pie Mon, 23 May 2016 21:16:03 GMT
Buying Combs We needed a single comb, but at the store they only came in bundles of about a dozen. So we picked the one we needed and took pictures of the rest.


160425_075555_12-HXSYQ_Clutch of Combs_Orlando - Florida160425_075555_12-HXSYQ_Clutch of Combs_Orlando - FloridaOrlando - Florida

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Combs Things Mon, 25 Apr 2016 17:29:52 GMT
The colors are from the florist, the brush strokes are mine A macro lens and Topaz Labs' Impression helped convert this photo of a supermarket daisy into a virtual impasto painting. 


Daisy in Blue_160310_102855_18-HXSYVDaisy in Blue_160310_102855_18-HXSYVWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Daisies Flowers Kansas Mon, 25 Apr 2016 05:21:50 GMT
Supermarket blossoms Green petals? Whether by dipping, spraying or standing in a food-coloring liquid, a wealth of colors are available to enhance or replace the natural color of flower petals. This green-petalled Gerber was found at the local market and brought home to photograph and display.


Improbable Daisy_160310_103012_36-HXSYQImprobable Daisy_160310_103012_36-HXSYQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flowers Gerber daisies Sat, 23 Apr 2016 16:37:03 GMT
Mallards in the yard These ducks were calmly walking across the grass miles from any body of water. Mallards are now so widely dispersed that they are considered by some to be an invasive species.

Mallard Mates_160311_100912_08-HXSEQMallard Mates_160311_100912_08-HXSEQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Birds Ducks Sun, 17 Apr 2016 20:50:53 GMT
Background for a tulip Sometimes you can convert the mundane into the attractive. This tulip was growing in front of a coiled-up blue garden hose. 

Shot with a tele-zoom, the background and flower were processed as separate layers using Topaz Labs' Impression as the primary software tool to create a painted effect.

Tulip on Blue_160410_145557_14-HXSYVTulip on Blue_160410_145557_14-HXSYVBartlett Arboretum - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Arboretum Bartlett Flowers Kansas Tulip Sun, 17 Apr 2016 12:42:21 GMT
Pansies are no pansies Fascinates me that pansy is what you call a wimpy kind of person, but pansies are among the first blossoms to pop up in the cold weather of early spring.

White and Purple Pansies_160408_115539_20-HXSYVWhite and Purple Pansies_160408_115539_20-HXSYVWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Flowers Pansies Sat, 09 Apr 2016 13:54:57 GMT
A little late for Easter 2016 Euphorbia millii, the Crown of Thorns is a popular indoor/outdoor plant that legend associates with the crown of thorns worn by Jesus prior to his crucifixion


Christ Thorn_160408_114341_06-HXSYVChrist Thorn_160408_114341_06-HXSYVWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Crown of thorns Flowers Fri, 08 Apr 2016 19:07:52 GMT
Spring has arrived This is a daisy from the grocery store. It was photographed with a macro lens then processed using, among other software, Topaz Lab's Simplify and Impression. The style is impasto, a thick form of oil paint. 


A Daisy at Heart_160310_103227_22-HXSYVA Daisy at Heart_160310_103227_22-HXSYVWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Daisy Flowers Thu, 07 Apr 2016 16:59:35 GMT
Looking for lunch in Hot Springs, AR. While in Hot Springs Arkansas, we stopped by Zoë's for lunch. Very nice selection of soup, salads, sandwiches, desert and a choice of wines. And if you are simply driving through the town around noon, it is well worth the stop for a meal. While there you can browse their merchandise which includes artwork and crafts.


Zoes Eatery_150909_132535_81-HXSEAZoes Eatery_150909_132535_81-HXSEAHot Springs - Arkansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Arkansas Hot Springs Luncheon Wed, 06 Apr 2016 16:23:48 GMT
On top of the stratosphere The X-Scream is a short ride atop the Stratosphere tower in Las Vegas. The view can be breath taking as it was near sunset when this picture was taken.


X-Scream Over the Edge_110914_017-HXSYAX-Scream Over the Edge_110914_017-HXSYALas Vegas • Nevada

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Las Vegas Nevada Scenic Travel X-Screak Tue, 05 Apr 2016 05:04:29 GMT
No batteries required Were they really less fun when we had to pull them?

I don't remember, but the kids sure didn't seem to miss the lack of batteries. I liked the effect of sunlight from uncovered windows.

This was shot with a Sony RX10 Mk2, handheld with exposure bracketing. Post-processing included Topaz Lab's Impression

Wooden Train_140314_15_226-HXSYAWooden Train_140314_15_226-HXSYADayton - Ohio

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Things Toy train Wood Mon, 04 Apr 2016 16:14:30 GMT
Grainless pasta If you spiralize some zucchini, sauté it briefly, then mix with warm tomato sauce, you have a nice gluten-free pasta-like dish. If you don't have a spiralizer, a number of markets, like Whole Foods for instance, sell spiralized vegetables. An easy dish to prepare. Sauté the zucchini briefly in a little olive oil with a crushed garlic clove, then add to warmed marinara sauce. Just don't overcook the squash.


Zucchini Spaghetti_150210_1814_0416__2-PXSYQZucchini Spaghetti_150210_1814_0416__2-PXSYQWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Food Ziucchini Speghetti Mon, 04 Apr 2016 05:05:39 GMT
The young are almost always cute Estimates are that America once contained as many as 20 million bison. By the start of the 20th Century, that number had fallen to as few as 500. 


American Bison Calf_050820_000186-XYQAmerican Bison Calf_050820_000186-XYQSedgwick County • Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 03 Apr 2016 14:21:49 GMT
Nutritious Tears When comparing red (or purple) onions to white (or yellow), the white may have more fiber and sugar, but the red appear to have more antioxidant value. The reds tend to be milder, are more often eaten raw, and more vividly photogenic. This image was shot with a macro lens and a flash just before the slice was chopped up for a salad. 


A Really Red Onion_150526_155407_06-HXSYAA Really Red Onion_150526_155407_06-HXSYAWichita - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sat, 02 Apr 2016 18:05:16 GMT
Your nose tells you what's coming My attention was captured by the single cow that was gazing outside the lot. 

You might not want to spend a lot of time downwind at one of the largest feedlots in Kansas, but I would find a day spent photographing the cattle a rewarding experience. I enjoy creating esthetically pleasing images of any subject I photograph, but the politics of feedlots make that a tough subject to pursue.  

Dodge City Feedlot_090315_069-XSYVDodge City Feedlot_090315_069-XSYVFord County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Mon, 21 Mar 2016 17:50:59 GMT
Catching Koi The Sedgwick County Zoo, near Wichita Kansas features a multitude of Koi. 

This world-class zoo is photographer friendly as well as providing an excellent venue for family outings.

Golden Koi_120514_073-XSQGolden Koi_120514_073-XSQSedgwick County - Kansas

[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Sun, 20 Mar 2016 19:26:41 GMT
Besotted fly I've no idea how it got into the restaurant, but there it was floating in my glass of wine. I grabbed a snapshot before returning the drink. 


[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Creatures Fly Insects Macro Merlot Wine Fri, 18 Mar 2016 16:33:39 GMT
Springtime arrives at the Bartlett Arboretum Established in 1910, the Bartlett Arboretum just south of Wichita in Belle Plaine, Kansas, is a lovely refuge among Trees and Flowers. Now owned by Robin Macy, the tree and flower park features a small lake on the Euphrates Creek. If you are ever in the area, the arboretum is definitely worth a visit.

Tulips at the Bartlett_130428_11_423-HXSYTTulips at the Bartlett_130428_11_423-HXSYTBelle Plaine - Kansas



[email protected] (Don Vine . com) Arboretum Bartlett Belle Flowers Kansas Plaine Travel Tulips Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:34:35 GMT